In Japan, people visit their ancestor’s graves and pray with their family on “o-higan” days (equinoctial week). It is one of the events of Buddhism and the period of seven days around the Vernal Equinox Day or Autumnal Equinox Day. This custom is proper to Japan.
- もち米 2カップ
- 白米 1カップ
- 砂糖 大さじ1
- 水 3カップ
- 小豆 200g
- 砂糖 170~230g
- 塩 小さじ1/4
- もち米と白米を一緒に研いで、水と砂糖(大さじ1)を加え、30分~1時間ほど置いてから炊飯器で炊く。
- ご飯が炊けたら軽く混ぜて、すりこぎで半分ほど潰す。
- 小豆をさっと洗う。鍋に小豆とひたひたになるくらいの水を入れ、10分くらい煮る。(※ここでは圧力をかけません。)
- ザルにあげて小豆を水洗いする。
- 小豆を圧力鍋に入れる。そこに小豆の3倍くらいの水を入れ、蓋をして加圧する。
- 沸騰したら、弱火でさらに10分ほど加圧して火を消す。
- 圧力が下がったら蓋を開けて、砂糖と塩を加える。
(※砂糖は2~3回に分けて入れる。) - 中火~弱火で煮詰めて、お好みの硬さになったら、そのまま充分冷ます。
- 餡子を丸めて、準備しておく。(ひとつ50gくらい)
Ohagi – a rice cake covered with sweet red bean paste –
People offer the rice cakes covered with sweet red bean paste for O-Higan. They change the way of calling the rice cake depending on the seasons. In autumn, it’s called “ohagi” which named after the shape of the flower of “hagi” (a Japanese bush clover). And then, in spring, it’s called ”bota-mochi” which named after the shape of the flower of “botan” (a peony).
So now, let me introduce the recipe of o-hagi. (^^♪
- 2 cup of glutinous rice
- 1 cup of polished rice
- 1 table spoon of sugar
- 3 cup of water
- 200g of adzuki-beans (red beans)
- 170~230g of sugar
- 1/4 tea spoon of salt
Rice cake
- Wash the rice and add the water and sugar. Put it for 1 hour and then, steam the rice by a rice cooker.
- When it’s done, mix it lightly. Mush half of it with a wooden pestle.
Adzuki-bean paste
- Wash adzuki-beans with water. Put it in the pan and add water until it just covers the beans. Then, heat it for about 10 minutes. (* Keep the pod lid open.)
- Put the beans up to a colander and wash in the water.
- Put it in the pressure cooker and add three times amount of water to adzuki-beans and heat it under pressure.
- When it boiled, heat it on low heat for more 10 minutes and remove it from heat.
- After the pressure dropped, open the pod lid and add sugar and salt. (* Add sugar 3 separate times.)
- Boil it down on low or medium heat. When it becomes soft as you like, turn the heat off and put it until it gets cool down. (* Stir the contents to prevent scorching.)
- Make the adzuki-bean paste into balls. (* about 50g per a ball)
Finally, put (Direction 7) on the palm and spread out. Put the rice cake on it and covered with it. Then, it’s ready to eat!!
(One-point advice)
If it is too sticky to handle the adzuki-bean paste on 7 or final direction, you can use cellophane film. It’ll be much easier.
Last Updated on 2016年9月26日 by Usayama