Last Updated on 2018年1月13日 by Usayama
栗の甘露煮 200g |
栗の甘露煮のシロップ 適量 |
さつまいも 350~400g |
さつまいもの茹で汁 適量 |
みりん 大さじ1 |
塩 少々 |
- さつまいもの皮を剥く。1~2cmくらいの輪切りにしてから10分程水につける。
- 1の水を切ってから鍋へ入れ、ひたひたになるくらいの水と一緒に茹でる。
- さつまいもが柔らかくなったらザルに上げて水を切り、ボールに移す。このとき、茹で汁を少し取っておく。(100mlくらい)
- さつまいもが熱いうちにマッシャーで細かく潰す。(フードプロセッサーにかけてもOK)
- 4が滑らかになったら、栗の甘露煮のシロップとみりん、塩を加えて混ぜ、ペースト状にする。シロップは味を見ながら、お好みの甘さになるまで少しずつ加える。(このとき、全体が固すぎるようなら、3で取っておいた茹で汁を適量加える。
- 半量の栗の甘露煮を1/2か1/3の大きさに切り、5に入れて混ぜる。
- 残りの栗と一緒に器に盛りつけて、できあがり。
Japanese traditional New Year’s dish & Kuri-kinton
What did you do over New Year’s holiday?
In Japan, we celebrate the new year with our family and relatives at home. There are some special dishes for new year. The typical one is called “Osechi-ryouri”. It is beautifully packed in “jyu-bako” (lacquered multi-tiered food box) and each of dishes in it has meanings.
I made them at home this time. Although we can buy them at the market or Japanese restaurants in these days, it was kind of fun for me to prepare them.
Now, let me introduce one of a easy recipe from “osechi-ryouri” called “Kuri-kinton”. It is a sweet dish made from a sweet potato and a chestnut.
The meaning of this feast is “good commerce” or “economic fortune”. Because its color makes us associate with a gold. Also, the Kanji (Chinese character) of “kin” and “ton” stands for “gold” and “block”. Then for your information, “kuri” means a chestnut!
Why don’t you try to cook it if you interested in Japanese “Osechi-ryouri”?
Recipe (4 servings)
200g of “Kanro-ni” chetnuts (boiled chestnuts in syrup) |
syrup of the “Kanro-ni” chetnuts to taste |
350~400g of sweet potato |
100ml of the water after boiled sweet potato |
1 table spoon of mirin (sweet sake) |
a pinch of salt |
- Peel the sweet potato. Cut it in 1 or 2 cm thick of round slices and put them into the water for about 10 minutes.
- Drain the water (1). Put it in the pan and add water until it just covers the sweet potato. And then, heat it to boil.
- When the sweet potato becomes soft, put it to the colander and drain the water. Then move it to a bowl. (note: Keep about 100 ml of water for step 5.)
- Mash the sweet potato while it is hot. (You can use a food processor instead of masher.)
- When it becomes smooth, add the syrup of Kanro-ni, mirin and salt and stir it to a paste. Taste it a little and add some syrup if you want to make it sweeter. When the paste is too hard, add some water of step 3.
- Cut a half amount of chestnuts into 1/2 or 1/3 and put them into the bowl (5) and mix.
- Place them on the plate with a rest of chestnuts and it’s ready to eat. !(^^)!
One-point advice
To remove harshness from sweet potato, put it into the water for a while. (1)
It looks good if you add the whole size chestnuts over the “Kuri- kinton” when you serve it to a plate. (7)