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In Japan, rice is a staple food. And it is the general way for us to use a rice cooker (steamer) to steam rice.
But also, there are some other way to cook rice. You can use a pan instead of rice cooker. (^^)/
お米の炊き方 ☆ How to steam rice
材料(1人分)/ Ingredients (1 servings)
白米 1合(150g) |
水 200ml |
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150g of rice (1 go) |
200ml of water |
炊き方 / Directions
- 研ぎ終えた米と適量の水を鍋に入れる。
- そのまま30分以上置き、水を吸わせる。
- 鍋に蓋をしてから、中火にかけて沸騰させる。
- 沸騰したら、弱火にして10分ほど加熱する。
- 火を止めて、蓋を開けずにそのまま10分ほど蒸らす。
- 蓋を開けて、全体を優しく混ぜたら出来上がり。
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- Put the rice and water in a pot after you wash the rice.
- Leave it at least 30 minutes to let the rice soak up the water.
- Put a lid on the pot and cook it on medium heat until it is boiled.
- When it’s boiled, turn into the low heat and leave it for about 10 minutes.
- Turn off the heat and let it steam for about 10 minutes. (Leave the lid on!)
- Open the lid. Mix it gently and it’s done.
ワンポイント・アドバイス / One-point advice
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・ Once you put a pan on the heat, don’t get the lid off until it’s done.
・ The rough standard of water amount is 1.1-1.2 times of the rice amount. You can adjust it and find the favorite texture.
・ If there is any left, wrap them in plastic wrap or put them in a plastic container, and you can keep them in a freezer. Then, when you want to eat them, just heat them up in the microwave.