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Today’s recipe of Japanese homemade dish is “Teriyaki Chicken”. (^^♪
“Teriyaki” is one of the most popular foods in Japan. The sauce tastes salty-sweet. Broil the chicken thigh with the sauce based on soy sauce and make it glazed. It goes very well with rice. Both kids and adults love this taste.
Also, teriyaki sauce is tasty, if you cook with other ingredients like seafood.
鶏モモ肉の照り焼きの作り方 ☆ How to cook “Teriyaki Chicken”?
材料(2人分)/ Ingredients (2 servings)
鶏モモ肉 1枚 (150-200g) |
砂糖 大さじ1 ☆ |
酒 大さじ1.5 ☆ |
みりん 大さじ1.5 ☆ |
醤油 大さじ1.5 ☆ |
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1 piece of chicken thigh (150 – 200g) |
1 table spoon of sugar ☆ |
1.5 table spoon of cooking sake ☆ |
1.5 table spoon of mirin ☆ |
1.5 table spoon of soy sauce ☆ |

作り方 / Directions
- 鶏肉の筋や余分な脂肪を取り除く。フォーク等で皮目に穴をあける。
- フライパンに適量の油を敷いて十分に熱しておく。
- 2の間に、(☆)印の調味料をボールに入れて、混ぜ合わせておく。
- フライパンが温まったら、鶏肉の皮の方を下にして強火で焼く。
- 表面に焼き色が付いたら裏返して蓋をし、弱火で4~5分しっかりと火を通す。
- 合わせておいた調味料をフライパンに入れ、鶏肉を裏返したり、スプーン等でタレを回しかけたりしながら煮詰めていく。
- タレが煮詰まり、鶏肉の表面に照りが出たら、できあがり。(’▽’ *)/
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- Remove the gristle and extra fat of chicken thigh. Make some hole on the surface of the chicken skin with folk.
- Put some oil in the fry pan and heat it.
- Put all seasonings (☆) in the bowl and mix them together during step 2.
- When your fry pan is hot enough, broil the chicken over high heat. (★Put the skin-side down.)
- When you see the skin-side of the chicken browned, cover it and heat thoroughly over low heat for about 4-5 min.
- Add the seasonings that you prepared to the fry pan, then turn the chicken upside down or pour the sauce on the surface with a spoon and boil down the sauce.
- Cook until it’s done, and the surface of the chicken is richly glazed.
(’▽’ *)/

ワンポイント・アドバイス / One-point advice
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・ Broil well and make the skin-side crispy.
・ Be careful to avoid burning the sauce after you add the seasonings.
・ If you put in the chicken and seasonings together to a plastic bag (zipper bag) the night before you cook, they can soak up a lot of flavor and tastes good!
Last Updated on 2022年12月10日 by Usayama